Identification of the company:

Company name: :  Inmocemento, S.A.

Legal form: public limited company (Sociedad anónima)

Registered office;  Barcelona, calle Balmes number 36, portal code 08007

VAT Registration Number: A-16367328

Share Capital: sixty thousand euros (€60,000.00), divided into one hundred and twenty thousand (120,000 shares, represented in registered securities, belonging to a single class and series, with a par value of fifty euro cents (€0.50) each, numbered sequentially from 1 to 120,000 fully subscribed and paid up.

The Beneficiary Company is a single-member company, being FCC the holder of all the shares into which its share capital is divided.

Registry information: incorporated for an indefinite period of time under the name “Inmocemento, S.A.” by deed executed on 10th April 2024 before the Madrid Notary Valerio Pérez de Madrid Carreras, under number 1077 of his protocol.

It is currently registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, in volume 49243, folio 149, page B-613029, 1st inscription.