Legal notice

1.Website ownership

INMOCEMENTO, S.A. (hereinafter, the Entity), is the rightful owner of this web page (hereinafter, the WebSite). Its legal address is located at C/ Balmes 36 - 08007, Barcelona and its Tax Identification Number is A16367328.

The Entity is registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona.

The domain name(s) through which you have accessed the Website is (are) owned by the Entity.

Said domain name(s) may not be used in connection with other content, products or services that are not owned by the Entity or in any way that may cause confusion among end users or discredit the Entity.

2. Object

This Legal Notice contains the conditions of use that regulate access, browsing and use of the Website.

The mere access to the Website, the sending of requests for information, queries and, in general, any act of a similar nature to the above carried out through the form and electronic mailbox, if they are enabled, on the Website will imply, on your part, the unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the rules included in this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the acquisition of the consideration of User of the Website. Consequently, you must carefully read and understand the contents of this Legal Notice, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.

3. Website use and access

Access to the Website by Users is free of charge and free of charge

Mere access to the Website does not in itself imply the establishment of any type of commercial link or relationship between the Entity and the User, unless the appropriate means have been established for this purpose and the User has previously complied with the requirements that may be established, where applicable.

In any case, access, browsing and use of the Website is under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, who therefore undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions given by the Entity or its authorised personnel regarding the use of the Website and its contents.

Consequently, the User undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, correct, and lawful manner, in accordance with the legislation in force and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from

(i) Using them for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality, good customs or generally accepted public order and to the instructions received from the Entity.

(ii) Use them for purposes detrimental to the legitimate rights of third parties.

(iii) Use the contents and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the Website or the services to send advertising, communications for the purposes of direct sales or for any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a number of persons, regardless of their purpose, as well as any other unsolicited messages addressed to a number of persons, regardless of their purpose, as well as any other unsolicited messages addressed to a number of persons, regardless of their purpose, as well as any other unsolicited messages addressed to a number of persons, irrespective of their purpose. persons regardless of their purpose, as well as to refrain from marketing or disclosing such information in any way.

4. Responsibilities and limitations

The Entity cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness or veracity of the information provided through the Website.

Consequently, the Entity does not guarantee and is not responsible for:

(i) The continuity of the contents of the Website and/or the lack of availability or accessibility of the Website or technical continuity thereof;
(ii) The absence of errors in said content;
(iii) The absence of viruses and other harmful components in the Website or in the server that supplies it;
(iv) The invulnerability of the Website and/or the impregnability of the security measures adopted therein;
(v) Where applicable, the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Website;(vi) Damage or harm caused, to themselves or to a third party, by any person who infringes the
conditions, rules and instructions established by the Entity on the Website or through the
violation of the security systems of the same;
(vii) Any other damages that may be caused by reasons inherent to the non-functioning or
defective functioning of the website or of the websites to which, where applicable, links may
have been established.
Nevertheless, the Entity declares that it has adopted all necessary measures, within its
possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and to
avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.
The Entity makes every effort to avoid errors in the content published on the Website. All the
contents offered through the Website are updated, and the Entity reserves the right to modify
them at any time. The Entity is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors
in the contents that may appear on the Website provided by third parties.

5. Intellectual property rights

The Entity is the owner or has obtained the corresponding licence for the exploitation rights
regarding intellectual, industrial and image property on the contents available through the same,
including, but not limited to, texts, graphic designs, drawings, codes, software, photographs,
videos, sounds, databases, indexes, images, brands, logos, expressions and information and, in
general, any other creation protected by national regulations and international treaties on
intellectual and industrial property (hereinafter, jointly, the Contents).
All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Contents are reserved and, in particular, it
is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute in any
way all or part of the Contents included in the Website, for public or commercial purposes,
without the prior, express and written authorisation of the Entity or, where appropriate, of the
owner of the corresponding rights.
Under no circumstances shall the User's access to and browsing of the Website be understood
as a waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial transfer of the aforementioned rights by the
Consequently, it is not permitted to remove, evade or manipulate the copyright notice and any
other data identifying the rights of the Entity or its owners incorporated in the Contents, or the
technical protection devices, or any information and/or identification mechanisms that may be
contained therein.
References to names and commercial or registered trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs,
whether owned by the Entity or by third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the
consent of the Entity or their legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated, does access
to or use of the Website and/or its Contents confer on the user any rights over the trademarks,
logos and/or distinctive signs included therein, which are protected by Law.

6. Links

6.1 Links from the WebSite to other websites

The Entity may offer links, directly or indirectly, to Internet resources or websites outside the
website. The presence of these links on the website has an informative purpose, and in no case
constitutes an invitation to contract products and/or services that are offered or may be offered
on the destination websites, nor does it imply the existence of a link or commercial relationship
or dependence with the entity that owns the linked website. In these cases, the Entity shall not
be responsible for establishing the general and specific conditions to be taken into account in
the use, provision or contracting of these services by third parties and, therefore, may not be
held responsible for them.
The Entity has neither the power nor the human or technical means to know, control or approve
all the information, content, products, or services provided by other websites to which links may
be established from the Website. Consequently, the Entity cannot assume any type of
responsibility for any aspect relating to the website to which a link may be established from the
Website, specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and
reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its contents, in general.
However, in the event that the Entity becomes aware that the activity or information to which
the links refer is illicit, constitutes a crime or could damage the property or rights of a third party,
it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as
Likewise, if Users have actual knowledge of the unlawfulness of activities carried out through
these third-party websites, they must immediately notify the Entity so that it can proceed to
disable the access link to the same.

6.2 Link from other web pages from the WebSite

If any User, entity, or website wishes to establish any type of link to the Website, it must abide
by the following stipulations:
(i) Prior express written authorisation must be obtained from the Entity.
(ii) The link may only be directed to the home page of the Website, unless expressly authorised
(iii) The link must be absolute and complete, i.e. it must take the User, by means of a click, to the
homepage and must completely cover the full extent of the screen of the Website's homepage.
Under no circumstances, unless authorised by the Entity, may the website from which the link is
made reproduce, in any way, the Website, or include it as part of its website or within one of its
frames, or create a browser on any of the pages of the Website.
(iv) The website from which the link is established may not state in any way that the Entity has
authorised such a link, without this having been the case. If the entity that makes the link from
its page to the website correctly wishes to include on its website the brand, denomination,
commercial name, label, logo, or any other identifying sign of the Entity and/or the website, it
must first have the prior, express and written authorisation of the Entity.
(v) In any case, the Entity prohibits the establishment of a link to the website from those web
pages that contain materials, information or contents that are illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene
and, in general, that contravene morality, public order, current legislation, generally accepted
social norms or that are harmful to the legitimate rights of third parties.

7. Privacy Policy

Please read the website's ‘Privacy Policy’ for information on the processing of personal data carried out by the Entity, which is accessible from the ‘PRIVACY POLICY’ button located at the bottom of the website's page.

8. Cookies

Please read the ‘Cookie Policy’ uploaded on the Website to learn about the type of cookies used on the Website, how to manage cookies depending on the type of system, as well as how to withdraw consent previously given.

This information is accessible from the ‘COOKIE POLICY’ button located in the footer of the Website.

9. Duration and modification

The Entity reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice and/or the particular conditions that, where applicable, have been established for the use of the Website, when it deems appropriate or in order to adapt to legislative and technological changes, being valid and taking effect from the time of publication on the Website.

The temporary validity of these conditions of use therefore coincides with the time of their display, until they are totally or partially modified, at which time the modified conditions of use will come into force.

10. General information

The headings of the various clauses are for information purposes only, and shall not affect, qualify, or modify the interpretation of the Legal Notice.

In the event that any provision or provisions of this Legal Notice should be considered null and void or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, such nullity or inapplicability shall not affect the other provisions of the Legal Notice or any special conditions that may have been established, as the case may be.

The failure of the Entity to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in this Legal Notice shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed to in writing by the Entity.

11. Governing law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice and the relations established between the Entity and the User, in particular the knowledge and resolution of any disputes, discrepancies or differences that may arise, shall be governed, and resolved in accordance with the provisions of Spanish legislation on applicable law and competent jurisdiction.

However, for cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, the Entity, and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, shall submit any controversies and/or disputes to the Courts and Tribunals¡ of the city of Barcelona.